Abstract submission
Notification of abstract acceptance has been sent to the registered e-mail address on 30 June.
Newly abstract submission/Confirmation/Modification/Deletion is no longer available.
Calling for Late Breaking Abstracts
IIGANN2023 offers a call for late breaking abstract submissions as an opportunity to share researches and their results that are completed or updated after the regular submission deadline.
Abstract requirements:
- Late Breaking Abstracts submission period: July 3 (Mon) - August 1 (Tue), 2023 (JST)
- Abstracts and presentation must be made in English.
- The abstracts submitted as regular submission will not be accepted.
- The accepted Late Breaking Abstracts will not be published in the abstract book.
- Late breaking abstracts will be requested to make poster presentation.
* There may be a chance to ask some presentations made in oral as well.
- Abstract should be submitted to iigann2023@mtoyou.jp in Word file format.
- Abstract body should be less than 3,400 characters (letters).
* Spaces are included in the character count (tables and graphs do not count as characters if inserted as an image). Abstract authors/co-authors’ names and affiliations, do not count towards the 3,400-character allowance.
Calling for Abstracts
The IIGANN 2023 encourages abstract submission widely from overseas.
The abstract is only submitted by online. The submission of abstracts by e-mail will NOT be accepted.
All the abstracts submitted are reviewed by the review committee members and the committee are to select abstracts for Oral presentations. Please note that presentation type should be decided by the committee and you will not able to choose.
Please make sure to receive e-mails from following addresses;
- E-mail of submission/modification completion notification: webmaster@reg.ibmd.jp.
- Acceptance notification: iigann2023@mtoyou.jp.
There will be a call for late breaking abstracts after the regular submission deadline. The details will follow later.
Regular submission
Abstract requirements:
- Abstract submission will start on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 (JST)
- Abstract submission deadline:
Friday, April 28, 2023 (JST)Friday, May 19, 2023 (JST)
* There will be no further extension of submission deadline after May 19.
* Indicated time follows Japan standard time - Modification/deletion of submitted abstracts must be done by 23:59, Tuesday, May 23, 2023 (JST)
- Abstract body should be less than 3,400 characters.
Spaces are included in the character count (tables and graphs do not count as characters if inserted as an image). Abstract authors/co-authors’ names and affiliations, do not count towards the 3,400-character allowance. - Required Headings: Background/Aims/Objectives, Methods, Results/Discussion, Conclusion
- Abstract title should be less than 200 characters including spaces.
- Figure and/or Chart can be uploaded in image file and it must be in JPEG, PNG or GIF format (uploaded images cannot exceed 1.0 MB).
- The maximum number of abstract co-authors that can be listed in an abstract is 15.
- The maximum number of abstract authors’ institution that can be listed in an abstract is 11.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English.
Keyword to select
- Molecular Pathogenesis
- Microbiome and Immunology
- Genetics and Epigenetics
- Biomarkers
- Pathology and Complement
- COVID19 vaccine related exacerbation of glomerular diseases
- Clinical Trial
Newly abstract submission/Confirmation/Modification/Deletion is no longer available.
Travel grants
The symposium offers travel grant to those whom applies for the grant and meet the requirements.
However, please note that the number of travel grants we can provide is limited.
If you intend to apply for the grant, please show your intention by marking the check box at the time of abstract submission.
What are included in the travel grants:
- 1,000USD as a subsidy for your transportation and accommodation expenses.
- Complimentary registration for the symposium.
- Delegates must be under 35 years old at the time of abstract submission deadline.
- Delegates currently live in Low or Lower-Middle income countries which are classified by the World Bank.
FYI: https://datatopics.worldbank.org/world-development-indicators/the-world-by-income-and-region.html
- Delegates are expected to participate in the symposium onsite and make a presentation by the delegates themselves. In case the delegates are not able to make a presentation, the grant will be forwarded to the next candidate.
※Making a presentation by the proxy from the co-authors are acceptable, but the grant will not be given.
- In case the large number of applications, priority will be given to the higher score of abstract review result.
Berger Award
Berger award will be given to the highest scored presentation. And runner-up scored presentations will win oustanding abstract awards. It will be decided by the overall evaluation of abstract review scoring and onsite presentation scoring.
- Delegates from all the countries and regions are eligible to be selected.
- Award will be decided by the overall evaluation of abstract review scoring and onsite presentation scoring.
- Nominated delegates are expected to participate in the symposium onsite and make a presentation by the delegates themselves. In case the delegates are not able to make a presentation, the opportunity will be forwarded to the next candidate.
※Making a presentation by the proxy from the co-authors are acceptable, but the award will not be given.