
Christoph Wanner

Wanner, Christoph

  • Universitatsklinikum Wurzburg, Wurzburg, Germany

Christoph Wanner is a Senior Professor of Medicine in the Department of Clinical Studies and Epidemiology, Renal Research Unit, University Hospital of Wurzburg and a Visiting Professor of Renal Medicine at the Nuffield Department of Population Health, Clinical Trial Service Unit, University of Oxford UK.
His research in the field of diabetic and non-diabetic kidney disease, as well as lipid disorders has been published in more than 1000 pubmed articles. His Hirsch Index - web of science - is 113.
Wanners’ two landmark studies in this field have been published in 2005 - The 4D Study - and in 2015 & 2016 - EMPA-REG Outcome
Dr. Wanner is the immediate Past President of the European Renal Association