
Serhan Z. Tuglular

Tuglular, Serhan Z.

  • Department of Internal Medicine
    Head of the Division of Nephrology
    Marmara University School of Medicine, ISTANBUL, Turkiye

"Prof. Dr. Z. Serhan Tuglular, MD, FERA
European Renal Associaton (ERA), Ordinary council member (2020-2024)
ERA-Renal Disaster Relief Task Force, Chair (2022-2024)
Turkish Society of Nephrology, Renal Disaster Task Force, Chair (2017-)

Prof. Dr. Z. Serhan Tuglular graduated from Istanbul University School of Medicine in 1986, completed her residency in Internal Medicine in 1996 and fellowship in Nephrology in 1999 at Marmara University School of Medicine, She is a former ISN Fellow. She has a special interest in renal transplantation and renal vasculitis. Has been appointed as the chair of Renal Disaster Task Force of the Turkish Society of Nephrology in 2018 and has been coordinating the activities of the nephrology community during the last earthquake of south-eastern Turkey. She has also been involved in educational activities for the treatment of Crush Syndrome in various regionns of Turkey since 1999. Dr Tu?lular was appointed as the chair of RDRTF of ERA, started soon after the war in Ukraine in February 2022 and is the current vice chair of RDPWG of ISN
She is a member of Turkish Society of Nephrology, European Society of Nephrology and International Society of Nephrology In addition to her clinical activities, she has published numerous articles in international journals and she is a member of the editorial board of Turkish Journal of Nephrology."