
Takashi Yokoo

Yokoo, Takashi

  • Professor, Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Takashi Yokoo is Vice President of Jikei University School of Medicine, Minato, Japan. He is also Professor and Chair of the Department of Nephrology and Hypertension within the School of Medicine, which is one of the largest nephrology departments in Japan with over 130 nephrologists.

He completed his medical training at Jikei University Hospital before travelling to the UK to work as a Research Associate in the Department of Medicine at University College London Medical School.

His research focuses on the renal pathology of glomerulonephritis and the renal stem cell as a source for kidney regeneration. Recently, his research team succeeded in generating a whole organ, which may produce urine from nephron progenitor cells, with potential to industrialise this technique to apply for clinical use in humans. In 2024 he was awarded the Japan Kidney Foundation Academic Award and Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine Award (Clinical Division).