
Akira Ishii

Ishii, Akira

  • Director, Division of Nephrology, Kansai Electric Power Hospital/Kansai Electric Power Medical Research Institute, Osaka, Japan

Akira Ishii, M.D., Ph.D. is Director of Division of Nephrology, Kansai Electric Power Hospital/Kansai Electric Power Medical Research Institute, Osaka, Japan.
He received his M.D. at Jikei University and Ph.D. at Kyoto University. After completing his residency training at Tenri Hospital, he engaged in clinical and research activities at the Department of Nephrology, Kyoto University.
In basic research, he has been studying the significance of humoral factors involved in obesity, diabetes, and kidney fibrosis in the development of kidney disease. In clinical research, he is currently working to examine the effects of nutrition for kidney disease and other various therapeutic interventions for CKD patients on their renal prognosis and later life. He is a council member of Japanese Society of Nephrology.