
Alberto Ong

Ong, Albert

  • University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Albert Ong is Professor of Renal Medicine at the University of Sheffield, UK. Born in Malaysia, he was educated at the University of Oxford, trained as a clinician-scientist at University College London and Oxford before taking up his present post. Work in his laboratory has focussed on understanding the molecular basis of cyst formation, the determinants of biological variation and drug discovery in ADPKD for which he received the 2022 ISN Lillian Jean Kaplan International Prize. He is Co-Director of the MRC-NIHR UK Renal Ciliopathies National Network (CILIAREN) and leads specialist services for patients with inherited kidney diseases at the Sheffield Kidney Institute. He has published over 200 papers, trained over 30 postgraduate students and fellows, lectured globally, provided strategic leadership and given expert testimony in the ADPKD field. He is a member of the ERA Council and served as Scientific Program Chair for the 61st ERA Congress in 2024