
Eisei Sohara

Sohara, Eisei

  • Department of Nephrology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University

The focus of Dr. Sohara’s research is on inherited renal diseases, aiming to elucidate pathophysiology of the diseases, the genetics, development of treatments, and understanding of the common renal physiology. His clinical research includes epidemiological studies of hereditary renal diseases hidden in chronic kidney disease and the development of a comprehensive genetic analysis system. In addition, research on the genetic background and analysis of clinical manifestations of polycystic kidney disease with no family history is also ongoing. As for basic research, Dr. Sohara is elucidating the pathophysiology of inherited renal diseases that cause diabetes insipidus or salt-sensitive hypertension, which will lead to the development of new therapeutic strategies. Based on the results of this research, he is elucidating the new renal physiology of renal reabsorption of water and salt.
Recently, he has also been studying the pathophysiology and the novel therapeutic strategies of nephronophthisis.