
Hitomi Miyata

Miyata, Hitomi

  • Kyoto Katsura Hospital

Hitomi Miyata MD, PhD, FACP is the director of the Department of Nephrology and the Blood Purification Center at Kyoto Katsura Hospital in Kyoto, Japan and also a clinical professor of Department of Nephrology at Kyoto University. She is working in acute and chronic stages of patients with kidney disease as a clinical nephrologist and transplant physician. Moreover, she also serves as a member on the supporters' committee of Japanese society of nephrology and women's committee in the Japan Chapter of American college of physician. She graduated with PhD theses regarding LDL apheresis for Nephrotic syndrome and did a couple of translational researchers with scientists at Kyoto university such as analysis of pathophysiological phenomenon in CKD progression or Lupus nephritis after then. Now she is passionate about patient education and CKD awareness through multidisciplinary collaboration, organizing World Kidney Day events for the CKD campaign in Kyoto.