
Kenichi Tanaka

Tanaka, Kenichi

  • Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Fukushima Medical University

Kenichi Tanaka is an associate professor of the Department of Nephrology and Hypertension at Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine (2018~current). He graduated from Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan in 2001 and trained at Fukushima Medical University Hospital and Ohara General Hospital (2001-2003). He completed his PhD at Fukushima Medical University Graduate School of Medicine, by researching clinical significance of AGEs accumulation in CKD under the supervision of Prof. T Watanabe. His current research focuses on clinical research in CKD patients and he conducted a prospective survey, the Fukushima CKD Cohort Study, which was aimed to clarify a relationship of risk factors to prognosis in patients with CKD. The Fukushima CKD Cohort Study resulted in 11 publications until July 2024. He has been served as a member of the Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline for CKD 2023 Working Group of the Japanese Society of Nephrology.