
Kenji Tsuji

Tsuji, Kenji

  • Okayama University Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Nephrology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology and Metabolism

Dr. Kenji Tsuji is a nephrologist at Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences. After graduating from Okayama University School of Medicine in 2006, he trained at Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital and became a nephrologist. He entered Okayama University Graduate School in 2010, where he conducted basic research on kidney development and regeneration, and received Ph.D. degree in 2014. He then studied abroad at the Department of Nephrology at Massachusetts General Hospital in USA for three years as a postdoctoral fellow. After he came back to Japan, he has been conducting basic and clinical research in the field of nephrology since April 2018 in his current position as an assistant professor at Okayama University. The main research theme is elucidating the pathology of kidney development and regeneration, hoping to contribute to the development of new regenerative treatments for kidney disease through this research.