
Kentaro Kohagura

Kohagura, Kentaro

  • Director and Clinical Professor, Dialysis Unit, University of the Ryukyus Hospital, Okinawa, Japan

He completed his medical training at University of the Ryukyus Hospital before travelling to the Sendai, Japan as a Research Fellow in the Division of Nephrology, Endocrinology and Vascular Medicine, Tohoku University School of Medicine.
The focus of his research is the renal pathology of the afferent arteriole and its clinical relevance in blood pressure-dependent renal damage. He has proposed a new concept, “Heterogenous Afferent Arteriolopathy,” to understand the diversity of blood pressure-dependent renal damage. He has also developed a program in community health care that offers personalized and optimized antihypertensive treatment plans based on this concept to physicians in charge, and has achieved a significant reduction in dialysis patients and dialysis treatment costs.