
Takehiko Wada

Wada, Takehiko

  • Department of Nephrology, Toranomon Hospital

Takehiko Wada serves as the Director of the Department of Nephrology at Toranomon Hospital in Tokyo, Japan.
He completed his medical training at the University of Tokyo Hospital.
Subsequent to his receipt of a PhD in 2001, he engaged in podocyte research at the University of Washington Medical Center from 2002 to 2005. After he came back to Japan, he assumed the role of academic physician at the University of Tokyo and Tokai University School of Medicine before transitioning to Toranomon Hospital in 2023.
His research interests are in the fields of glomerular diseases, with a particular focus on podocyte injury, and onconephrology. He serves as the leader of the Working Group for Clinical Practice Guidelines on Nephrotic Syndrome in Japan. He is a board member of the Japanese Society of Nephrology and chairs the Committee of Clinical Nephrology Board Certification.