
Takuji Ishimoto

Ishimoto, Takuji

  • Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology, Aichi Medical University

Takuji Ishimoto graduated from Nagoya University School of Medicine in 1997. He began his career as a resident at Chukyo Hospital and then worked in Nephrology at Komaki City Hospital. In 2004, he entered the Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, specializing in Nephrology, and graduated in 2008 with a Ph.D. in Medicine.
In 2009, he became a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Colorado Denver, later becoming a Research Assistant Professor in 2012. Returning to Japan in 2014, he worked in the Nephrology Department at Nagoya University. In 2021, he joined Aichi Medical University as an Associate Professor in the Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology and was promoted to Professor in 2022.
Dr. Ishimoto's research focuses on nephrotic syndrome, metabolic syndrome, diabetic kidney disease, and nucleic acid medicine. He is a certified specialist and supervisor in General Internal Medicine, Nephrology, and Dialysis by the respective Japanese medical societies.