
Tomohito Gohda

Gohda, Tomohito

  • Associate professor, Department of Nephrology, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.

After completing initial training, I underwent specialized training in nephrology at Juntendo University Hospital. Then, I conducted research on the genetic predispositions and pathophysiology of diabetic kidney disease (DKD). After completing graduate school, I worked as the chief of the dialysis center at Juntendo Hospital for five years. Since 2008, I have been studying as a research fellow at the Joslin Diabetes Center, reporting on the usefulness of TNF receptors as biomarkers for the progression of DKD. After returning to Japan, I have been involved in clinical practice, research, and education as an associate professor of nephrology at Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine. I continue to conduct clinical and basic research related to TNFR and have published over 25 papers on TNF-related topics.